Our reviews

(549 Reviews)
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Do you like The Mango Tree Lethbridge? We appreciate your effort in writing about your experience. Help customers like you make an informed decision.

April 20, 2024
Excellent food, would be much better if you used coconut oil for cooking. Canola oil is one of the most altered and refined (gmo)
You told me when your prices increased that you wanted to improve the quality of your product to compensate (try a better oil) ie: coconut oil

April 19, 2024
Very tasty. I always order enough for left overs!
The bread is my favourite part of the meals.

April 10, 2024
Take out very good . Food excellent

April 06, 2024
Absolutely delicious

April 05, 2024
Amazing. Never a bad meal. One of the best

April 01, 2024
Fantastic as always! Our favourite!!

March 27, 2024
Excellent food and friendly staff!

March 21, 2024
Loads of flavour, very tasty and order was ready exactly on time

March 17, 2024
Food was excellent as always!

March 11, 2024
Always fast service and great tasting food!!